Magaly Medina had an interview with Pamela López for her program ‘Magaly TV, la firme’ on Tuesday, August 20. In this conversation, López detailed the relationship she had with Christian Cueva her still husband, who not only physically abused her, but was also unfaithful with various . figures. She also revealed the footballer’s financial problems and his battle with alcohol, which affected his performance on the playing fields.
This exclusive paralyzed all of Peru, something that was reflected in the daily rating, where the popular program ‘Magpie’ led and left its competition far behind. ‘Magaly TV, la firme’ swept the preference in the AB sector, while in the general ranking it occupied a place in the top 3 of the most watched in the country.
How many rating points did Magaly Medina’s show get on August 20?
On Tuesday, August 20, Magaly Medina announced that he would have an exclusive interview with Pamela Lopez who would give more details about her stormy relationship with Christian Cueva. This kept the country in suspense, which positioned ‘Magaly TV, the firm’ as one of the most watched programs, especially in the AB sector, where it obtained a total of 23.1 points, according to Kantar IBOPE Media.
‘Magaly TV, la firme’ led the ratings in the AB sector with more than 23 points. Photo: Instagram capture
With this rating, the program Magaly Medina It surpassed all of its competitors in the sector, such as ‘Esto es guerra’, ‘Tu nombre y el mío’ and ‘Al fondo hay sitio’. The most watched programs on América Televisión only achieved scores of 6.9; 6.4 and 6.4, respectively, as published by the host herself on her Instagram account.
Although ‘Urraca’ was positioned as the absolute leader in AB, this was not replicated in the general rating, where it was placed below ‘Al fondo hay sitio’ and ‘Tu nombre y el mío’. ‘Magaly TV, the firm’ took third place on the list with a total of 15.1 points, while the Deyvis Orosco series and ‘AFHS’ obtained 15.2 and 15.1 points, respectively.
These scores allowed the August 20 program to ‘Magaly TV, the firm’ was the leader in different categories. The interview with Pamela Lopez made the show hosted by Magaly Medina will lead on ATV, in the time slot and in entertainment programs in general.
Magaly Medina’s show led the ratings of entertainment programs on August 20. Photo: Instagram capture
What revelations did Pamela López make in the interview with Magaly Medina?
In the interview with Magaly Medina, Pamela Lopez He detailed the attacks he suffered during his relationship with Christian Cueva However, what had the most impact and shook social media was the revelation of a possible love affair between the footballer and Melissa Klug, Jefferson Farfán’s ex-partner.
López said that it was ‘Aladdin’ himself who confessed to her that he had intimate encounters with ‘La Blanca de Chucuito’ and that the messages they exchanged would prove this closeness. This caused the footballer’s wife to confront Klug, who denied any relationship beyond a friendship with the former ’10’ of the national team.
Besides, Pamela Lopez She said that she did not report the father of her children for money, since, in reality, Cueva would be bankrupt. The interviewee by Magaly Medina revealed that the former Cienciano footballer owes 100,000 soles to his mother.
Summary: Magaly Medina swept the ratings with ‘This is war’ and ‘There is room in the background’
Exclusive interview : Pamela López revealed on ‘Magaly TV, la firme’ that she suffered physical abuse and was a victim of infidelity by her still husband, Christian Cueva, in addition to exposing the footballer’s financial problems and alcoholism.
Impact on audience :The interview paralyzed Peru, positioning ‘Magaly TV, la firme’ as one of the most watched programs on August 20, especially in the AB sector, where it obtained 23.1 rating points.
Competence In the AB sector, Magaly Medina’s program surpassed competitors such as ‘Esto es guerra’ and ‘Al fondo hay sitio’, which achieved between 6.4 and 6.9 rating points.
Overall ranking : Although it led in the AB sector, in the general ranking ‘Magaly TV, la firme’ was placed third with 15.1 points, being slightly surpassed by ‘Al fondo hay sitio’ and ‘Tu nombre y el mío’.
Revelations by Pamela Lopez : Pamela López shocked the public by revealing an alleged love affair between Christian Cueva and Melissa Klug, in addition to denying rumors about possible economic interests in her complaint, indicating that Cueva would be bankrupt.