What surprised the Mexican celebrity was the Twitter post published by journalist Gil Barrera, where he stated that the former RBD was initiating a legal process against Martin .
“I am in a position to confirm that Guillermo Pous is initiating formal actions against Claudia Martín for defaming and spreading false information that threatens the image, reputation, and privacy of Maite Perroni,” said the communicator.
Faced with such statements, the television medium First hand contacted the actress’s lawyer, Guillermo Pous, to obtain more information about it. This indicated that not only would there be a lawsuit against Martin , but also against the magazine that published the story and the reporter who made it.
“They are different actions. On the one hand, to the media that comment and reply in the same way, pointing to Maite with this qualifier [tercera en disputa], and, on the other hand, to Mrs. Martín for having done so through various media. The reporter (…) is also responsible, ”said the lawyer.
As indicated Pous , the consequences for the actress would be both civil and administrative.
“A fine, having to publicly apologize, deny all the allegations made and an economic quantification for the attack on Maite’s image”, were some of the things that the Claudia Martin will have to comply with the case.
Maite Perroni, latest news:
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