Namrata Shirodkar, who started her career with Hindi films as a heroine, has done two films in Telugu. One of them is Anji with Megastar Chiranjeevi. Another film is Vamsi with Superstar Mahesh Babu. She fell in love with Mahesh during this movie. Married him. Namatra Shirodkar completely stayed away from films after marriage. Career is put aside giving priority to family. All the time they are monitoring the matters related to Mahesh and also taking care of the welfare of the children.
In an interview, she said that she is going to step into another field as well. “I never planned for life to be like this. I have done the films I wanted to do. If life goes on like that. Actually I wanted to be an air hostess. But mother was afraid that plane accidents would happen. Later I entered the film industry. After marriage, I also stayed away from movies. I don’t mind that. Now I am taking care of the family responsibility. It makes me very happy. Sitting empty is boring. So I am going to try again. I am going to enter into production in the field of TV. I also started a production company related to it. I am busy with those works” he said.
In the same context, she also talked about her relationship with Mahesh’s sister Manjula Ghattamaneni. “Manjula and I first met at a private party. But she doesn’t know that I and Mahesh are in love. Later we became family members. We both got pregnant at the same time. All this happened by chance. In fact, Manjula does not want to see children. But now I am very happy as a mother after giving birth to a daughter,” said Namrata Shirodkar.