In the broad scope of Argentine entertainment, few names resonate as strongly as that of Marcelo Tinelli. However, recently, it has been Candelaria Tinelli, his daughter, who has captured the attention of the media and followers for her relationship with her father’s current partner, Milett Figueroa. Through her Instagram account, she has been frank and direct in expressing her annoyance at the invasive comments and constant inquiries about her parent’s girlfriend.
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What did Marcelo Tinelli’s daughter say about Milett Figueroa?
Candelaria Tinelli, affectionately known by her followers as ‘Lelé’, has decided to put a stop to the speculation and comments surrounding her father’s relationship with the Peruvian model Milett Figueroa. “I don’t understand these messages that I receive. They have me sick to death”, stated Candelaria. She seemed fed up with the situation. The young artist and businesswoman has been the target of multiple messages, through social networks, that questioned her support for her father’s happiness and Figueroa’s absence from family events and photographs.
In one of the messages shared by Candelaria, a follower implores her to allow her father to enjoy their relationship, and suggests that the daughters’ opposition could be affecting Marcelo Tinelli’s emotional well-being. Candelaria’s response to this accusation was swift and, although brief, she made clear her frustration and discontent with the public’s assumptions.
Followers have also been curious about the absence of Milett Figueroain Marcelo Tinelli’s recent publications and they asked Candelaria directly about her. To this, the driver’s daughter responded with a single word, “fear”, a comment that opens up different interpretations about the current state of the relationship between Figueroa and the Tinelli family. This exchange highlights the delicate line celebrities must navigate between sharing their lives with the public and keeping certain aspects private.
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What did Marcelo Tinelli say about his daughters’ relationship with Milett Figueroa?
The controversy arose when Yanina Latorre, in a broadcast of the ‘LAM’ program, revealed that Marcelo Tinelli’s daughters do not view Milett Figueroa favorably. According to Latorre, the young women believe that the actress’s interest is focused on benefiting from the fame and power of her father in the television industry.
The matter gained more attention after Latorre disclosed images of private messages in which the renowned driver shared personal aspects of their relationship. Faced with the whirlwind of speculation, Marcelo Tinelli confirmed that, indeed, the connection between his daughters and Milett is tense, as it causes frequent disagreements.
“I’m still a boyfriend, but the problem is that my daughters don’t love Milett. They hate me. Mine is not easy at all. Between my daughters and Yani, they hate me. I don’t choose any of my daughters’ boyfriends, “I don’t cut or prick”commented the Argentine presenter.