In 2022, a year after Evan Rachel Wood accused her ex-partner Marilyn Manson of sexual abuse, the musician’s legal team sued her for defamation. “They are horrible distortions of reality,” he declared. However, this week the singer withdrew the lawsuit against the actress.
In a statement sent to the American press, the lawyer for the protagonist of the ‘Westworld’ series maintains that it was a legal strategy to intimidate Wood. “He filed a lawsuit as a publicity strategy to try to undermine the credibility of the many people who accused him and revive his career, which was in crisis. But his attempt to silence and intimidate her failed,” said Michael J. Kump.
The actress had spoken for years about the abuse she had suffered during a relationship, but it was not until 2021 when she confirmed that it was Manson whom she accuses of harassment, coercion and sexual abuse during their relationship. He even pointed out that he raped her during the recording of a video clip. “The court correctly determined that Brian Warner’s (legal name) claims were without merit. The decision to drop his lawsuit and pay Wood full fees of nearly $327,000 only confirms this.”
Eva Rachel Wood confirms the sexual abuse she suffered during her adolescence. Photo: composition/Instagram.
It should be remembered that the relationship began in 2006, when the actress was 18 years old and the singer was 37 years old. The testimony is one among other complaints with the singer. “My abuser’s name is Brian Warner, also known to the world as Marilyn Manson. He started stalking me when I was a teenager and horribly abused me for years. I was brainwashed and manipulated into submission. I will no longer live in fear of repression, insults or extortion. I am here to expose this dangerous man and the many industries that enabled his behavior before he ruins more lives. “All my support to the many victims who will no longer remain silent,” he wrote.
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