It is known that senior heroine and actress Meena recently lost her husband Sagar. Her family members are deeply saddened. In this background, actresses Rambha (Rambha), Sanghavi (Sanghavi, Sangeetha) went with their family members and consulted Meena. Meena posted a photo related to this on her social media. This is Meena’s first post after the death of her husband. Now Meena is back to normal life. Meena is getting used to it.
It is known that in the 90s, Meena along with Rambha, Sangeet and Sanghavi entertained the audience with all the top heroes. Now among them Meena is very active as an actress. Apart from her films, Bulli is also impressing the audience on screen.
Meena Bharatha Sagar passed away due to lung problem in June this year. At that time, various kinds of news about Sagar’s death were heard on social media. At that time Meena’s co-actors stood by her side. Meena also reacted emotionally to such news.