Marcelo Tinelli and Milett Figueroa make up one of the most popular couples in Argentina. They both met on the program ‘Bailando’, where they also fell in love and shouted their love from the rooftops; However, the absence of the Peruvian woman on her lover’s birthday increased the rumors of a separation.
Did Milett Figueroa travel to Argentina?
During the broadcast of the entertainment program ‘Amor y fuego’, hosted by Rodrigo Gonzáles and Gigi Mitre, the migratory movement of Milett Figueroa. According to this, the model left Peru on April 16 to return to Argentina; However, until now, the social networks of MilettThey do not register movement over Argentine lands, so it is unknown if he was reunited with Marcelo Tinelli,who is already in his native country.
What did Marcelo Tinelli say about a possible breakup with Milett Figueroa?
Marcelo Tinelli left Madrid after more than two weeks in the city, where he celebrated his birthday and enjoyed a vacation from April 1. Upon returning to Argentina on April 15, the press was expectant of a possible reunion with Milett Figueroa. It should be noted that, although Argentine journalists have mentioned that the romance between Tinelli and Figueroa has ended, neither of them has officially confirmed the end of their relationship.
Given this, the ‘LAM’ program went to meet Marcelo and did not hesitate to approach him to ask him about the supposed end of his romantic relationship with Figueroa. In this regard, Tinelli assured: “I am in a relationship… I am very well, what do you want me to say. It’s all very good. “This week or the next he is arriving (Milett to Argentina).”
What did Milett Figueroa say about Marcelo Tinelli?
Some days ago, Milett FigueroaHe appeared again on television in the program ‘Mande qué mande’. During an interview with María Pía Copello, the model assured that “everything is fine” with Marcelo Tinelli, despite the fact that the Argentine press has indicated that their love relationship has ended.
Furthermore, in another segment of the interview, Milett commented on whether it affected her that Marcelo had not defended her in the face of criticism from Argentine journalists, who have spoken disparagingly about her while Tinelli chose to stay on the sidelines.
Milett noted the following: “Things are said without knowing the job prior to a relationshipthe press minimizes it… All the time with Marcelo… When we started the relationship, they brought up a lot of things, like the past by Milett Figueroa. He already did it once, he defended me. He gave some words that I didn’t expect. He has always given me my place, otherwise I wouldn’t be with him“.
Then, Figueroa clarified what his relationship with Marcelo’s daughters is like: “The other day I was talking to Candelaria (Tinelli) and we were laughing at the nicknames they called me. We laughed and I get along very well with them.. I have never felt a strange look, some strange atmosphere, they have always been super loving to me, I say it because it really is like that. “I don’t think they need to look good with me or I need to look good with them.”