Mumbai, Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan has once again come into controversy and that too because of a book. Jabalpur bench of Madhya Pradesh High Court has issued a notice to Kareena Kapoor. This notice has been given regarding the controversial book named ‘Kareena Kapoor Pregnancy Bible’.
Let us tell you that when the actress (Kareena Kapoor) was about to become a mother for the second time, she shared her experiences with a book and named it ‘Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Pregnancy Bible.’ The Christian social worker of Jabalpur had an objection to its title. He believes that the Biblical words used by Kareena Kapoor in the pregnancy Bible have hurt the sentiments of the Christian community.
Let us tell you that even before this memorandum and protests have been given by the Christian society. In this petition, action has been demanded against Kareena Kapoor and others. Now the High Court has issued notice after the preliminary hearing. Let us tell you that in the year 2021, Kareena Kapoor launched her book ‘Pregnancy Bible’ with Karan Johar.
This book was published in 2021, in which 43 year old Bebo has described her pregnancy journey. She (Kareena Kapoor) had shared this book to give suggestions to pregnant ladies. According to reports, the petitioner had earlier approached the police to file a First Information Report (FIR) against the actress, but when they refused to register the case, he moved the lower court. But when he was not successful there too, he approached the High Court.