Mumbai Standup comedian and Bigg Boss-17 winner Munawar Faruqui has apologized for his statement. He has released a video and apologized for what he said about the people of the Konkani community. Munawar Faruqui is accused of using abusive language against the Konkani community of Maharashtra, due to which people of the Konkani community protested against him.
Actually Munawar Faruqui said in his video, “A few days ago I did a show. Here I was talking to the audience, in which there was some talk about Konkan (Konkani community). I knew that, some people live in Taloja who are from Konkan and many of my friends also live there. But, we deviated from the topic here, due to which they felt that, I said something bad about Konkan (Konkani community) and made fun of them. Whereas my intention was not like this.”
Along with this, he (Munawar Faruqui) further said in the video, “I did not want to hurt anyone. If anyone’s sentiments have been hurt by my words, then I publicly apologize for my statement. There were people from all communities in this show – Marathi, Muslim and Hindu. But I did not intend to hurt anyone. So I apologize to all of you from my heart.”
Actually, Munawar Faruqui had used derogatory words for the people of the Konkani community during a show. After this, BJP MLA Nitesh Rane had warned him. Munawar Faruqui has publicly apologized and has also shared a video related to the apology. The comedian was warned to apologize as soon as possible, otherwise he will be trampled wherever he is found. Seeing himself being ridiculed in this entire controversy, Munawar thought it right to apologize.