Francisco García, the youngest son of iconic Peruvian singer Eva Ayllón, has filed a complaint against renowned former volleyball player and coach Natalia Málaga. According to the complaint, Málaga allegedly repeatedly damaged the car that García shares with his wife, leaving significant scratches that have affected the vehicle.
The incident, which has caused a great stir, was aggravated by the dissemination of the complaint document on a YouTube podcast, where compensation for damages valued at S/ 2 thousand is requested. Despite the filing of the complaint, the attacks against the vehicle did not cease, which led the family to install a security camera The recordings reportedly captured Natalia Malaga on the spot, confirming his suspicions and adding a new dimension to the conflict.
What message did Natalia Málaga write?
The case has taken an even more controversial turn due to the publication of a message on social media by Malaga, who wrote: “Your desire to destroy others will always be proportional to how destroyed you are inside.” This comment, which quickly went viral, generated speculation among users, fueling tension and debate surrounding the incident.
Message from the former athlete on her social networks. Photo: screenshot
What has surprised many is the fact that Eva Ayllón and Natalia Málaga have been known to maintain a close friendship and professional relationship, which makes this conflict even more puzzling. Currently, Málaga is out of the country, and her legal defense is being handled by her lawyer in Peru.
The situation is still developing, and the implications of this conflict could extend beyond the personal sphere, affecting both the careers and the relationships of the figures involved.
What would have been the reason for Eva Ayllón’s son’s complaint?
Through the podcast of the communicators John Tirado and Gianfranco Pérez, current reporters of the entertainment sequence ‘Magaly TV, the firm’ Both had access to the police document and indicated that Francisco García, son of the interpreter of ‘Saca la mano’, had reported Natalia Málaga, volleyball expert, for the alleged crime against property and damage caused to her vehicle, for an estimated value of S/ 2,000.