Natti Natasha is more than happy after announcing that her baby along with Raphy Pina will be a girl. The Dominican spoke with an international media and told of the wishes she has for her first-born.
Through an interview for People magazine in Spanish, the artist said that she had no preference regarding sex after having problems conceiving. “I dreamed of having whatever, girl or boy is a blessing,” he said.
The interpreter of “The best version of me” made it clear that one of her main objectives is to develop her little girl’s self-esteem and empowerment, since she expressed that she wants to see her become a determined woman.
“Since she is a child, I want her to feel loved, beautiful and unique, to know that she has no limits and that I am here to see her conquer all that she sets out to do,” she emphasized. Natti Natasha in the middle.
In the same way, he revealed that Raphy Pina, with whom he got engaged months ago and who has three other heirs, is looking forward to the arrival of the new member of the family. “Is happy! (…) We are happy that we are going to be parents. She is a very desired baby ”, he said.
Natti Natasha
Natti Natasha and Raphy Pina: this is how they revealed the sex of their baby
The singers announced days ago that they would share the sex of their future child through an event that would be broadcast on social platforms. Natti Natasha She was very excited to share this stage of her life with all her followers on Instagram. “I want to see all the guys in cyberspace connected,” he wrote.
The virtual meeting was held on April 4 and the famous couple revealed that they would have a girl, generating commotion in social networks. Hours later, the Dominican reggaeton thanked all its fans.
“It was a day that I will never forget. Thank you to each and everyone who made this memorable day possible. I will continue uploading photos in my stories for you, my second family, “he said.
Natti Natasha
Natti Natasha, latest news:
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