ChennaiA heartbreaking news has come from Tamil Nadu. 13 girl students were sexually abused in a fake NCC camp organized in a private school in Krishnagiri district. There has been an uproar since this horrifying incident came to light. At present, the police have arrested 11 people including the principal and two female teachers in this case.
Krishnagiri District Superintendent of Police P. Thangadurai said that 13 girls were sexually abused in a fake National Cadet Corps (NCC) camp organised in the school premises. This fake NCC camp was organised in the premises of a private school in Krishnagiri district. Investigation has revealed that the school authorities were fully aware of the sexual abuse going on in the fake camp, but they kept quiet instead of telling anyone about it. There was no official NCC unit in the private school where this camp was organised.
It is being told that the students were informed about an NCC camp (Tamil Nadu Fake NCC Camp) being organized in a private school in Krishnagiri district. For this, the students were told that if they join this camp, they will be given an NCC certificate. This certificate will help them in getting a job in the future. By giving such a bluff, the girls were persuaded to join the camp.
The accused have been charged under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act. A senior official of the Krishnagiri District Child Welfare Committee said the department has initiated action against the school authorities and the organisers of the camp. The police are also investigating whether the group behind the fake NCC camp had organised similar camps in other schools.