Paco Bazan host of ‘El Deportivo en otra cancha’, has decided not to participate in the podcast ‘Focused ‘, led by Jefferson Farfan and Roberto Guizasola During her program on ATV, Bazán addressed the controversy over her alleged invitation to the popular space, clarifying that she never intended to attend.
Paco Bazán reaffirms his position and will not go to ‘Enfocados’
In the program ‘El Deportivo en otra cancha’, he again touched on the subject of his possible participation in the podcast of Jefferson Farfan and Roberto Guizasola ‘Focused’. He also pointed out that this was misinterpreted by Guizasola when he confirmed that he would go to the programme for former footballers.
Paco Bazán spoke about Jefferson Farfán and his podcast. Photo: ATV
“I understand that my brother ‘Cucurucho’ confirmed that they were going to invite me, that they were going to invite me to the second season of the bunker. I no longer want to go,” said the host of the sports program in ATV .
He also made a strong reference to whether or not to continue asking to be on the podcast. Jefferson Farfan “You can’t beg for love in life, that’s something I learned in these two years of my life. You don’t beg for love,” she said.
This left more than one user wondering, why did Paco Bazán say that? Ric La Torre a . influencer, mentioned that this hint is accompanied by a truth that Paco would have hidden, that of his wife, who stopped talking to him 2 years ago. “Between the lines, I feel, I sense and it seems to me that he no longer wants to try again with his wife.”
Ric La Torre spoke to the press. Photo: TikTok
What did Roberto Guizasola say about Jefferson Farfan and Paco Bazan?
The former player Paulo Albarracin panelist of the program ‘Champagne Football ‘, he consulted Roberto Guizasola the popular ‘Cucurucho’, on the controversial invitation made to Paco Bazán in the event that he exceeded 100,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel.
Guizasola explained that Paco Bazán was described as “cool” by him, but there was an incident related to the son of Jefferson Farfan and Melissa Klug that Bazán did not handle properly. Guizasola commented that any parent becomes uncomfortable when the subject of their children is brought up.
Jefferson Farfán will not interview Paco Bazán on ‘Focused’?
In ‘Futmax League’, Fiorella Retiz asked Jefferson Farfan about the next guest of ‘Focused ‘, mentioning Bazán, with whom Farfán has a public feud.
Although Farfán responded confidently and directly, he did not confirm whether Bazán would be the next guest, and suggested that it would be a surprise.
Paco Bazán reaffirms his position of not going to Jefferson Farfán’s podcast
Paco Bazan’s decision: Paco Bazán, host of ‘El Deportivo en otra cancha’, publicly reiterated his decision not to participate in the podcast ‘Enfocados’, directed by Jefferson Farfán and Roberto Guizasola. Bazán clarified during his program on ATV that he never had the intention of attending the podcast, denying Guizasola’s statements.
Bazan’s comments: On his show, Bazán mentioned that he is not willing to “beg for love,” referring to his decision not to insist on being on the podcast. This comment was interpreted by some as an innuendo about his personal life, especially in relation to his separation from his wife.
Guizasola’s response: Roberto Guizasola, known as ‘Cucurucho’, mentioned that he considered Bazán to be a “cool” person, but recalled a past incident in which Bazán inappropriately handled an issue related to the son of Jefferson Farfán and Melissa Klug, which allegedly caused annoyance.
Context of the invitation: The invitation to the podcast was mentioned in the context of Bazán surpassing 100,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. Despite this, Bazán reaffirmed his position of not attending, regardless of the proposed conditions.
Statements by Jefferson Farfán: In an interview on ‘Futmax League’, Farfán neither confirmed nor denied whether Bazán would be a future guest on ‘Enfocados’. Farfán left the possibility open, mentioning that the next guest would be a surprise, maintaining the suspense about Bazán’s participation.