Pamela López revealed to Magaly Medina that Christian Cueva does not have money at the moment and that he owes his mother an amount of 80,000 soles, an amount that has reportedly grown to 100,000 soles. She said this after the host of ‘Magaly TV, la firme’ asked her about the comments of some people who claim that she denounced the footballer for money.
Lopez added that she never saw her husband’s accounts, since they were managed by a Brazilian. She also added that the national team’s lawyer recommended that she move her money to Panama.
Christian Cueva owes 100,000 soles to Pamela López’s mother
Pamela López had an exclusive interview with Magaly Medina for her program ‘Magaly TV, la firme’, where, among other things, she said that she did not report her still husband, Christian Cueva, for money, since he does not have any money. She even revealed that ‘Aladino’ has a debt with her mother for a large amount of money, which amounts to almost 100,000 soles.
“Let me laugh, because people don’t know. People judge and don’t know anything about my personal life. Christian (Cueva) has a huge debt with my mother, he hasn’t paid her for 10 months, neither the principal nor the interest,” said López.
The wife and mother of the footballer’s children said that the former Cienciano player owes her mother a total of 80,000 soles, an amount that has increased over time. “He owes her 80,000 soles and even a little more (100,000 soles, as Pamela’s mother said, according to Magaly Medina),” she added.