Mumbai Actress Parineeti Chopra has shared a latest video. In the video, she is seen vacationing in England with her husband and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha. Parineeti Chopra has shared a reel on Instagram. In the reel, we can see a montage of unseen pictures and clips.
The video has clips of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha attending the Wimbledon tournament. The two are walking hand in hand in the video. The video has glimpses of beautiful buildings and structures of London, train and bicycle rides, rivers and roads. He posted the reel with the caption “Recent life… Exclusive content on Snapchat”.
Let us tell you that Parineeti Chopra married Raghav Chadha on 24 September 2023 at a private luxury hotel in Udaipur. Talking about her career, Parineeti Chopra worked as a public relations consultant at Yash Raj Films. After this, she made her acting debut in 2011 with Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma in YRF’s romantic comedy ‘Ladies vs Ricky Bahl’.
Let us tell you that Parineeti Chopra last played the role of Amarjot Kaur in the biographical musical drama ‘Amar Singh Chamkila’. Directed by Imtiaz Ali, the film starred Diljit Dosanjh in the lead role. It tells the untold true story of Amar Singh Chamkila, the real rockstar of Punjab and the best-selling record-selling artist of his time. The film is streaming on Netflix.