New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has hoisted the tricolour from the ramparts of the Red Fort. PM Modi has hoisted the tricolour for the 11th time in a row from here. PM saluted the tricolour and the national anthem was played. After that, two helicopters of the Air Force showered flowers from the sky.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said from the ramparts of the Red Fort that only 40 crore people had overthrown the world’s superpower. We are proud that we had their blood in us. They were our ancestors. Today we are 140 crore. If 40 crore ancestors could achieve independence, then if we 140 crore people take a resolution, then no matter how many challenges there are, we can make India prosperous in 2047.
PM Modi warned that women in the country are being treated brutally and are being tortured. I appeal to the state governments and the administration to set such examples that no one dares to do this to a woman. Those who commit a crime like rape should be given the death penalty so that if anyone thinks of doing this, he knows that he will have to lose his life.
Further, PM Modi said that there are some people who cannot see progress. There are some people who cannot see the good of India. Unless they do good for themselves, they cannot see the good of India. The country will have to avoid such people with a distorted mentality. Distortion is growing in their lap. This distortion is dreaming of destruction, annihilation. The country will have to understand this. I want to tell the countrymen. We will overcome them with our good intentions, our honesty. Keep in mind that American short selling firm Hindenburg released a second report on August 10 in which SEBI Chief has been targeted.