Cumbia singer Pamela Franco is on everyone’s lips after being spotted with soccer player Christian Cueva in Huamachuco in the celebrations for the anniversary of this city. However, her arrival in La Libertad would not have made everyone happy. The president of the ronderos admitted being against the fact that the municipality has prioritized the hiring of the performer instead of paying for the transfer of some dancers from the area.
What did the president of the Ronderos say about Pamela Franco?
In the latest edition of ‘America Today ‘ They presented the testimony of the president of the ronderos of Huamachuco who said he was very angry about the way the municipality managed the budget for the city’s anniversary celebrations. According to him, they did not agree to pay for the transportation of some typical local dancers, but they did pay for Pamela Franco’s musical show.
“The responsibility lies with the municipality, which always covers the round-trip tickets so that they can bring all the dancers, right? I don’t think there aren’t funds for our country dances. There are funds for the stage in front where they are going to bring the whole show, the whole Christian Cueva and Christian Domínguez soap opera… there is a budget for that,” said the president of the ronderos.
This was the arrival of Pamela Franco and Christian Cueva to the event in Huamachuco
The patronal celebration for the anniversary of the city of Huamachuco brought together Christian Cueva and Pamela Franco. The national team has donated some castles for the celebration and the cumbia singer was also present to offer a show with her orchestra.
‘Magaly TV, la firme’ was one of the few media outlets that managed to get to the venue where the concert was taking place and captured the exact moments when both personalities arrived among the crowd.