Pure Feeling is a cumbia group that was founded at the end of February 2016 and had Thamara Gómez, Naldy Saldaña, Estrella Torres and Lesly Águila as its first members; who had gained notoriety for having been part of Corazón Serrano. Currently, the orchestra is made up of six beautiful members who have a lot of experience on stage.
Ana Claudia Urbina, Azul Vela, Molly Gereda, Pamela Arroyo, Mirella Campos and Victoria Puchuri are the current singers of Puro Sentimiento. In an interview for La República, the artists told how they joined the cumbiambera group, what their desires are and how it feels to have Christian Domínguez as their boss.
Molly Gereda
Molly Tabata Gereda Yauli is a native of Cusco and is 22 years old. She has been in Puro Sentimiento for almost 5 years, a band she joined after winning a casting that took place in a television program. The songs she likes to perform the most are ‘Memories’ and ‘How it hurts’.
—How was your entry into Puro Sentimiento?
—I came to Lima because the opportunities are here and it went very well for me, I am supporting my family, which is my driving force and reason to be able to move forward. I entered Puro Sentimiento through a casting in ‘Women in charge’from Latin. They called me and chose me.
—What do you remember most about your casting?
—At that time I was 17 years old. The funniest thing was that she was already working singing, but I got nervous, something that shouldn’t happen to a singer. I couldn’t sing.
—What is the most beautiful thing you have achieved thanks to music?
—A very nice apartment, which I can now give to my family, with great comfort that they have always dreamed of.
—What is Christian Domínguez like as a boss?
—I don’t know what it will be like in his personal life, but As a boss, he is a person who advises us very well. I have known him for a long time, I have shared many things with him. He is a very hard-working person. I admire him a lot because he doesn’t sleep, he works and works. Even though he arrives on tour, he goes to train. That’s what I admire about him. He is a very hard-working person, very humble, very kind and has a big heart.
—Do you like to work your body, just like Christian Domínguez does?
—Now I am training a lot and I am in talks to train with Christian and be good on stage. That’s what he sells (laughs). Oh, and I’m single, don’t connect me with anyone.
Sail Blue
Linda Azul Vela Ortiz is a 28-year-old singer. She is a native of Villa El Salvador and is a neighbor of Nickol Sinchi, with whom she has a good relationship. She joined Puro Sentimiento in 2021 and is close to celebrating 3 years in the group.
—Was your entry into Puro Sentimiento through casting or by recommendation?
—It was on recommendation. One day I arrived and the Great International Orchestra was rehearsing. They asked if they played a woman’s song and they said yes, so I sang ‘Amor de mis amores’ by Marisol, I sang only half of the song and they said, “Welcome.”
—If you had the opportunity to sing with a famous Peruvian, who would it be?
—With my ‘husband’ Dilbert Aguilar. I love him, I swear. (We would be) holding hands. I will be the new ‘Ñañita’.
—Why with Dilbert Aguilar?
—Because a song with Dilbert is going to come out very soon.
—What is the most beautiful thing about being in Puro Sentimiento?
—The girls. I really like living with them, traveling, going on stage, eating and, sometimes, fighting with Puchuri, with Pamela, with Mirella. I bother everyone, but they love me.
Victoria Puchuri
Victoria Puchuri Buitrón is a 30-year-old singer from the San Martín de Porres district. She has been in groups such as Corazón Serrano, Lérida and El Encanto de Corazón. In addition to music, her other passions are baking and graphic design. She is the mother of a little girl and has recorded the song ‘You promised to return’.
—Was the first time you entered Puro Sentimiento due to casting or because of your past in Corazón Serrano?
—I entered in 2019 because of a call.
—Did they test you on any topic?
-No. Since the musical director knew my repertoire, he just told me to make him a list of songs that he could perform. What they really liked was that he performed ‘Olvídalo corazón’, a song that he did in my previous group (Corazón Serrano).
—Why did you return to Puro Sentimiento?
—They called me to work with them again, that’s why you always have to come out of somewhere well because you never know what’s going to happen later. There are colleagues with whom I have worked previously, like Pamela and Ana Claudia. I just met Azul, Molly and Mirella.
Molly Gereda, Pamela Arroyo, Mirella Campos, Ana Claudia Urbina, Victoria Puchuri and Azul Vela are part of Puro Sentimiento. Photo: Valery Coaquira/La República
—You have been to Corazón Serrano, Lérida and El Encanto de Corazón, what differentiates Puro Sentimiento from other orchestras?
—The genre of Puro Sentimiento is also southern type, but we mostly work in Lima, we have not gone as much to the south —like Juliaca— or to the north —like Piura—.
—Do you prefer collagen or sugar?
—I have been with younger and older people. Sometimes you think that, by being with someone older, they can be more mature, but that is totally a mistake. Of course, they do give you different attention because they are more experienced. Just an older person encouraged me to this path. I was very self-conscious and, thanks to that advice, it helped me make a decision and made me stronger and more independent in many aspects, it gave me confidence and security; I was afraid even to go out on the street, my mother didn’t let me go out, she overprotected me a lot.
—Then you don’t want to repeat the same thing with your daughter…
—No, I don’t want my daughter to go through the same thing. I want to teach her to be confident and independent, even from a young age.
Mirella Campos
Mirella Cisneros Campos is the youngest of the group. She is 18 years old and is a native of Chiclayo. Her entry into Puro Sentimiento was due to the videos that she recorded and that her brother uploaded to Tiktok.
—How was your entry into Puro Sentimiento?
—The owners of Puro Sentimiento contacted my brother because he managed my TikTok. They came to my house, they asked me if I wanted to belong (to the orchestra), they gave me a test, I sang my favorite song: ‘Forget it sweetheart’. The condition was to live in Lima and I thought about it a little there because I am close to my mother. He didn’t know how to cook or wash. But I also wanted a change of scenery. She wasn’t used to traveling, I didn’t like it, but now I’m used to it because I’m with all of them (her companions).
—What is the most difficult thing about living away from your family?
—The most difficult thing was being alone, not hearing my mother call me and tell me: “Mirella, come here,” and denying. At first I felt alone, I was already going crazy, I heard voices.
—Who is your support now?
—My mother, my little niece and the girls. They advise me for good and bad (laughs).
—If you had the opportunity to sing with a girl who is not from Puro Sentimiento, who would you choose?
—With Ana Lucía (by Corazón Serrano). I love the way that woman sings. And Leslie (Eagle) too.
—What is your great dream as a singer?
—I’m not thinking about staying in Lima. If I have something, I want it all in Chiclayo. I don’t get used to it here. There’s too much danger, the traffic, everything. Lima scares me.
Ana Claudia Urbina
Ana Claudia Urbina Zapata is a 28-year-old singer, native of Sullana (Piura) and twin sister of Ana Lucía Urbina, one of the vocalists of Corazón Serrano. The young northerner has been in several groups such as Zona Libre, Corazón Serrano, El Encanto de Corazón and months ago she returned to Puro Sentimiento after having tried her hand as a soloist.
—How was your return to Puro Sentimiento?
—My first entry (to Puro Sentimiento) was by recommendation, they called me by phone because I had been in a large group (Corazón Serrano). And the second time, the same. At that time, I was alone (without a group) and I dedicated myself to studying. Sometimes I went out to sing alone, I didn’t have in mind joining a group, but since I left through the front door, I had no problems (in returning) and I said: “Let’s try it again.” And here we are.
—What happened to the career you were studying?
—I’m still studying, I’m moving on to the second cycle of Audiovisual Communication, but I’ve given it a break. Fortunately, I can choose which months to study and I have in mind to finish my degree because it is something that I really like.
—What is the song you like to perform the most in Puro Sentimiento?
—’Unhappy’, the one I just recorded. I like this song a lot because I recorded it at a time in my life that was bad and I gave my whole heart to this song, so it is one of my favorites.
—Isn’t ‘Infeliz’ dedicated to Christian Domínguez?
—I don’t know Christian very well. He is the boss, but there are bosses higher up.
—What is Christian Domínguez like as a boss?
—He’s a good boss, really. The few times we see him are in meetings, when he calls our attention to something he doesn’t like or to give us advice.
Pamela Arroyo
Pamela Arroyo Vera, 25 years old, is one of the singers who had to audition to be part of Puro Sentimiento. She lives in Ventanilla and was also part of Lérida.
—How was your entry into Puro Sentimiento?
—I did do a casting years ago on América TV along with some girls who have also made it to large groups. At that time, she worked in children’s shows. She had no experience playing in a live orchestra. I remember that I went more for my mother because she watched the television shows and she told me: “I know that one day you are going to end up there.” I said, “If my mom is happy with this, I’m going to do it.” And here I am.
—What is the song you like the most from Puro Sentimiento?
—There is a song that we no longer play, but it is called ‘My body begs’, it is a song that every time I listen to it brings back a lot of memories from 2018 or 2019, when there were members who are no longer here.
—Why did you withdraw from Puro Sentimiento the first time?
—I left the group for studies, I left music for a short time. My decision was to leave music 100%, but when something is meant for you, you don’t even want to leave it.
—Why did you want to leave music?
—Many strong things happened, I became depressed and anxious because of my inexperience. People are never going to be completely good. I did pay the rent and it knocked me down. I said, “Suddenly this isn’t for me and I’m going to continue studying.”
—What made you return to music?
—I was studying for four months and I received a call from a group in the north in which I tried out, but I didn’t like their way of working and I left. Then I joined a group in the south and that is where I stayed for four years. Then I retired and returned to Puro Sentimiento.