New Delhi. Congress MP and opposition leader Rahul Gandhi has launched a scathing attack on the BJP on the Allahabad High Court’s decision in the Uttar Pradesh assistant teacher recruitment reservation scam case. Now Rahul Gandhi has targeted the BJP over the court’s decision and said that the government’s conspiracies to mess with the reservation system have got an answer.
Let us tell you that on Friday, the Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court ordered to re-issue the exam results in the many years old recruitment reservation scam case. The court canceled the results released in 2020. After the court’s order, the Basic Education Department of UP will have to release fresh results for the recruitment of 69000 assistant teachers within three months.
Rahul Gandhi tweeted on Saturday, ‘The Allahabad High Court’s decision on the recruitment of 69,000 assistant teachers is a befitting reply to the conspiracies of the BJP government which is playing with the reservation system. This is not only the victory of thousands of youth like Amit Maurya who have been continuously struggling on the streets in winter, summer and rain for the last 5 years, but also of every warrior fighting for social justice.’
Rahul Gandhi said that the BJP’s stubbornness to snatch away reservation has pushed the future of hundreds of innocent candidates into darkness. He wrote, ‘After wasting five years of struggle, those who will get jobs through the new list and those whose names can now be removed from the selected list, BJP is the only culprit for both.’ Rahul said that the BJP government, which forces those who are studying to fight, is the real enemy of the youth.