‘Healthcare agencies need to be a little tougher on this kind of practice’ and ‘Prefer to use the other billions for things that feel much more urgent’: these are some responses to news topics that engage readers. Below are the letters to readers that appeared in the newspaper of Friday 22 April. You can send in a response yourself via letters@ad.nl.
Discrimination elderly care | Outrageous behavior from these refusers
‘I don’t want headscarves or blacks in my house’ (AD 21-4). The fact that older people have the guts to refuse staff in (home) care is a bridge too far. In our country there is the luxury of being able to receive this care. The degrading behavior of these refusers is truly outrageous. The health authorities should take a tougher stance against these kinds of practices. If care is refused on the basis of discrimination, there is only one rule that can be applied and that is that care is not provided. Take it or leave itâ€
Kees Francino, Neighborhood at Duurstede.
Savings tax | Compensating savers is the most just
‘Save up front when money goes back’ (AD 21-4). I would consider it fairer if only savers were compensated who had already submitted a notice of objection. With 2.4 billion euros, this also costs a lot of money, but a lot less than the 11.7 billion if investors are also remunerated. Rather use the other billions for things that feel much more urgent, such as healthcare, asylum, defense and education. Most savers and investors have long been happy with the adjustment of the tax on wealth.
R. Kroese, Voorschoten.
Savings Tax II | The government solves this with abuse of power
The cabinet is only considering compensating people who went to court. What a brilliant idea. Here’s another one: send all drivers a big, fictitious traffic fine and cancel it only if people object (or go to court). So with this kind of abuse of power we solve the government budgetary blunders.
Rob Hooft van Huijsduijnen, Geneva, Switzerland.
Report D66 | It is logical that she gives priority to the ministry
‘Van Drimmelen gets out of D66, Kaag further under pressure’ (AD 21-4). Damaging Sigrid Kaag now takes on grotesque proportions. Van Drimmelen had an extramarital affair that was unilaterally broken by his then girlfriend. Arguments arose about this, which happens in the best families. Nothing wrong with that, I would think. But no problem for D66, and certainly not for Mrs Kaag. The fact that in wartime she puts her ministry of finance higher than a quarrel between ex-partners is completely understandable. However, the damage is great, D66 loses seats, and some of those go to the VVD. Count out your winnings.
Jan Leeuwenstein, Pijnacker.
Solar panels | Not that complicated to get it back
‘Solar panels much cheaper next year’ (AD 21-4). Yesterday’s AD stated that it is complicated to reclaim VAT on purchased solar panels. I have to contradict this. Two years ago we purchased solar panels and the supplier, in this case Zonneplan, ensured that we received a full refund of the VAT. This by registering us as a small entrepreneur. So it was certainly not complicated to get this back.
Leo Visser, Gorinchem.
Wimbledon refuses Russians | Incomprehensible action from tennis tournament Rosmalen
‘No Russian propaganda on the sacred grass’ (Sports World 21-4). Right move from Wimbledon. There is a horrific war going on and the international agreement is to block everything coming out of Russia. Wimbledon does the only thing that is justified. Because what is happening in Ukraine cannot bear the light of day. Rapes, murdered civilians on the street. It is incomprehensible that the tennis tournament in Rosmalen does allow Russians. I hope that it will be reconsidered whether people are really prepared to turn a blind eye to the Russian massacres.
Aad Deurloo, Rotterdam.
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