New Delhi. The West Bengal Health and Family Welfare Department on Tuesday issued an order cancelling the recruitment of house-staff locally in all medical colleges of the state. Mamata’s ministry has not given any clear reason for taking this decision.
According to the information received from the department (medical colleges), this decision has been taken due to the ongoing doctors’ strike in the state. The department (Health Department) has not given the reason behind doing this. But it is being said that this decision has come due to the ongoing doctors’ strike in the state. Today the Health Department issued a notice and gave this information.
It is noteworthy that after the incident of rape and murder of a female trainee doctor in Kolkata’s RG Kar Hospital on Tuesday, the Bengal Assembly unanimously passed an amendment bill to deal with rape cases quickly. This bill brought by the Mamata government provides for the death penalty within 10 days to the culprits of rape and murder.
Let us tell you that according to the notice number HFW-23099/136/2024/M/1058 dated 24/04/2024, the department had issued a notification for the recruitment of house staff in RG Kar Medical College, according to which a total of 84 posts were to be recruited. At the same time, according to the notice number HFW-46020(99)/35/2024/M/1035 dated 23/04/2024, house staff was also to be recruited for 9 posts in Jalpaiguri Government Medical College. Which has now been canceled by the department by issuing an order till further orders.