The Red Bull Half Court Championship is looking forward to crowning the winning team in the United Arab Emirates in the national final, which will be held on Saturday, April 27, at The Beach, JBR, Dubai, after a series of qualifiers that extended over more than four weeks in various locations. Various parts of the country witnessed intense competitions in mini-basketball, or “Street Ball,” with the participation of more than 140 teams for both females and males. This event is held in partnership with the “ARADA” Real Estate Development Company and sponsored by the Dubai Sports Council.
The national final will witness the participation of the best 16 teams that qualified from the qualifiers, and they will compete in the framework of three-on-one basketball competitions, and will end with the crowning of two winning teams for men and women who will represent the UAE in the global finals of the event in New York, in the United States of America, next October. Where international team champions from more than 21 countries, including the UAE, will be present, with the aim of winning and snatching the supreme title of the Red Bull Half Court global competitions.
The national final at The Beach, JBR, Dubai is expected to witness a large turnout of streetball fans to follow the fast and enthusiastic competitions that will end in revealing the identity of the national champions. Prominent faces will be present during the event, such as Red Bull athletes who are distinguished in the basketball arena, and American shooting training expert Chris Matthews, known as “Lethal Shooter.”
An Arada representative expressed the great happiness that accompanies the company’s renewed support for activities of this kind that “contribute to the involvement of young people in prominent sporting events that open the door to stardom for them and lead them to compete on the global stage.” He added: “We are always pleased to play a positive role in urging the rising generations to highlight their talents while promoting a life full of movement and activity, in a joyful and inclusive atmosphere for all the individuals and families who visit our unique parks and gardens.”
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