The international art world is in mourning after the death of Dudu braga , who passed away last Wednesday at the age of 52. The son of Roberto Carlos He was a renowned music producer and had been diagnosed with peritoneal cancer for several years.
It was Roberto Carlos himself who announced the death of his son through his personal Twitter account. “Dudu, for us you are unforgettable and irreplaceable. See you soon! ”, Was the message that the artist published before his loss .
Like his father, Dudu had a strong approach to music. In addition to working as a producer and performing as a musician, he played drums, was even a radio host and hosted a program in Portugal.
Roberto Carlos, who turned 80 on April 19, had already suffered a painful loss after the death of his stepdaughter Anna Paula Rossi for a heart attack in 2011, when the artist was in preparation for a tour in celebration of his 70 years.
Statement from the medical center where the artist’s son was treated. Photo: Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Roberto Carlos II passed away in the Hospital Israelita de Sao Paulo in Brazil at 2.21 pm In a statement, the same medical center said that the patient had undergone a series of hospitalizations for chemotherapy and surgery.
After hearing the news, Edson Arantes do Nascimento, known as Pelé, sent his condolences to Roberto Carlos.
“I am recovering well, but today I want to send all my affection, love and prayers to my great friend Roberto Carlos. I hope that God comforts his heart and that he is surrounded by love and light, ”the ex-footballer wrote in a post on Instagram.
Dudu Braga before his death
Dudu Braga was diagnosed with glaucoma at birth, a disease that took away his vision when he was only 23 years old.
“My cancer came back last year, three small dots appeared on the peritoneum (membrane that surrounds the abdomen). I did the treatment, I recovered and (the cancer) came back a month ago. I started having relapses and had to go back to the hospital. My digestive system, the tract was inflaming with some ease ”, explained some time ago the son of the Brazilian to the magazine Who of his country.
Love life of Dudu Braga
The television network, Univision, reported that 25 days before his death, Dudu married Valeska Braga, after 18 years of relationship.
The musician had three children: Giovanna, Gian Pietro and Laurinha.
Dudu braga
Roberto Carlos, latest news: