Television host Cristian Rivero, who recently left the popular competition show ‘Esto es guerra’, decided to sue Latina TV for outstanding debts. The news was revealed by Gigi Mitre, co-host of the program ‘Amor y Fuego’, broadcast on Willax Television, who also expressed her concern for Cristian’s professional future.
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Did Cristian Rivero sue Latina?
According to information shared by Gigi Miterin the broadcast of the program ‘Love and Fire’ on Tuesday, April 30, Christian Rivero made the decision not to return to Latina TV due to legal issues related to late payments.
“He has little problems and they are legal. Cristian has sued Latina because he wants to be paid for certain things. As long as that proceeds, Latina is not involved”commented the host, who added that this situation limits Rivero’s job options, after her recent departure from ‘This is war’.
Will Rodrigo González also sue Latina?
The co-host of ‘Amor y Fuego’, Rodrigo Gonzalezbetter known as ‘stuffed animal‘, joined the support for Cristian Rivero, revealing that he would also consider suing Latina TV for non-payment. The influencer also stated that both he and Gigi Miter did not receive the corresponding payment for the 10 years they worked on the programs ‘Amor, amor, amor’ and ‘Válgame Dios’, both broadcast on channel 2.
“We worked there for 10 years and they didn’t pay us anything either. If that works, that’s where we go. And it’s no joke, take it as you want,” said Rodrigo González, who made his discontent with the television network very clear. The small screen host explained that his frustration is due to the fact that Latina TV did not give them the recognition or financial rewards they expected after a decade of work in the company.
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In addition, he emphasized that, during his time with Latina, his programs were audience leaders and surpassed América Televisión in popularity. “We gave 10 years of our life to that channel, they have profited and they have risen. For the first time in the history of their foundation, they led the schedule they had with us and beat América Televisión. At the time that Susana Umbert harassed us to practically force us to resign, with the moves she made, we also stopped receiving (money). What happens when one signs a service provision contract? They do it to you or they try to do it to you”, González added.
Finally, ‘Peluchín’ expressed his support for Cristian Rivero and stated that he is considering following his steps to sue Latina TV if his legal action proceeds. “I’m glad that Cristian Rivero does that. I hope it prospers. You’re going to set a precedent, and I’ll continue from there. I guarantee it.”he concluded.