Maharashtra. Massive protests erupted in Badlapur in Maharashtra’s Thane district over the alleged sexual abuse of two kindergarten girls. A day later, internet services were suspended on Wednesday and 72 people were arrested in connection with the violence during the agitation. The Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) has called for a Maharashtra bandh on August 24 to protest against the Badlapur incident.
MVA leaders have said that the Eknath Shinde government is delaying its action in the Badlapur incident and the government’s response on this matter is unfortunate. Also, the leaders of the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) clearly said that the opposition party is not doing any politics in this matter. The meeting was concluded on Wednesday in the presence of prominent leaders of the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA).
In this meeting, there was a long discussion on the issue of women’s safety in Maharashtra. Calling the issue of increasing women’s insecurity in the last 10 years and the government’s attitude on the Badlapur case insensitive, Shiv Sena Thackeray group, Congress and Sharad Pawar-led NCP have announced Maharashtra Bandh.
An initial report has emerged that the school and other administration are delaying the Badlapur incident. There was also a delay in taking action from the government. The reaction of the ruling party to the Badlapur movement is also unfortunate. Nana Patole and Jayant Patil claimed that the government should handle the issue sensitively.