The influencer Samahara Lobatón is at the center of media attention after a violent fight with the singer Bryan Torres became public. After the incident, the salsero announced on national television the end of their romance and asked Melissa Klug’s daughter to leave the home they shared, even when she was pregnant.
YOU CAN SEE: Samahara Lobatón boasts a new house after retiring from Bryan Torres’ apartment
Did Samahara Lobatón take all the things from Bryan Torres’ house?
In the midst of this controversy, Magaly Medina, in your program’Magaly TV, the firm’, revealed unpublished details about the separation and the reaction of Samahara Lobaton before the decision of Brian Torres. La ‘Urraca’ reported that the influencer decided to leave the singer’s apartment ’empty’ and took all the furniture and decoration that she had obtained through exchanges.
On April 30, Magaly Medina showed images of Lobatón’s move, who on April 29 removed all her belongings and furniture from the house where she lived with her daughter’s father. The company that had helped Samahara with the exchange was in charge of removing everything from the house that was previously her home shared with Torres.
“He evicted her, publicly told her to leave that house because the relationship was no longer going, because he was almost uninterested in the fact that she was pregnant, carrying his child in her womb, he didn’t care”Medina attacked.
Magaly also pointed out that Torres’ attitude was insensitive, considering that Lobatón was pregnant with his child. ““Which speaks badly of this boy, but we had already told Samahara that and she never understood it, until they kicked her out,” commented Medina, who explained that Lobatón removed all the furniture, decorations and even the drawers from the kitchen and bedroom.
YOU CAN SEE: Samahara Lobatón: images revealed of how she removes her things from Bryan Torres’ house after the end of their romance
“On the 29th he had the furniture removed from all the walls to the same company that had installed it, he left the kitchen bare, he took out the drawers. In her bedroom, he took out everything: the dresser, the mirrors, everything. How would they have turned out? the walls of Bryan’s apartment, we don’t know, but he took it out. The only thing he couldn’t take out was the paint from the girl’s room; “This truck reached San Isidro.”Medina said.
What happened between Samahara Lobatón and Bryan Torres?
The cameras of ‘Love and Fire’ They recorded Samahara Lobatón throwing Bryan Torres’ clothes out of the window of his house. Then, the program ‘Magaly TV, la firma’ showed those images with audio, in which the influencer is heard saying: “The crap you do to me every time you touch me, you poor thing,” while throwing Bryan Torres’ belongings at public roads. A few days after that, the singer announced his final separation from him.