Model Samantha Batallanos broke her silence this Saturday, April 20, after being caught meeting with Jonathan Maicelo. The cameras of ‘Magaly TV, la firma’ recorded her with the boxer, whom she denounced for violence. Next, we tell you what the model said about her current relationship with the athlete.
Were Samantha Batallanos and Jonathan Maicelo caught together?
On Tuesday, April 16, the program ‘Magaly TV: the firm one’ showed some images in which you see Jonathan Maicelo leaving his truck to enter his ex-partner’s apartment Samantha Batallanos.
After that, the former beauty queen was approached by a reporter from ‘Urraca’, who asked her if she resumed her romance with the athlete: “Samantha, are you back with Maicelo?”In this regard, Batallanos seemed surprised and avoided speaking at that moment.
What did Samantha Batallanos say about Jonathan Maicelo?
This Saturday, April 20, Samantha Batallanos has decided to break his silence on the program ‘The blowout of the Chola’and explain the meeting he had with Jonathan Maicelo. Initially, ‘Chola Chabuca’ asked him why he met with his ex-partner, after having reported him for physical and psychological aggression.
In this regard, Batallanos pointed out: “It was agreed upon by both of us (the meeting). The truth is that the last time we saw each other everything was so chaotic that there was never closure and the wounds were left open (…) There must be many people who judges me, but I felt like I needed that meeting. We were not alone because there were other people. No (it was loving). “We needed to tell each other so many things.”
After that, Ernesto Pimentel asked Samantha if she would resume her romance with Maicelo: “I don’t know what’s going to happen”. Then, the model said that the“Legal proceedings against Jonathan continue.” Finally, the former beauty queen announced her family’s reaction to seeing her with her ex-partner: “She is extremely upset with me.”
Why did Samantha Batallanos denounce Jonathan Maicelo?
Samantha Batallanosdenounced Jonathan Maicelodue to physical and psychological violence. The incident that triggered this occurred on December 7, when the model was attacked by the boxer.
After that, the former beauty queen went to the San Isidro district police station that same day to formalize her complaint. At that time, she expressed that she will not tolerate any type of aggression from Maicelo and she made it known that she decided to end her relationship with him.
In response to the accusations, Jonathan Maicelo he flatly denied the accusations, calling them false. Furthermore, he suggested that there could be extortion motives on the part of Batallanos behind the complaint.
The boxer also declared that he has evidence that refutes Batallanos’ claims. It should be noted that Samantha received support from the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, which intervened to provide her with assistance and protection in the situation of reported violence.