“Yes I am doing the project, yes I am doing RBD … Yes I have to sing them by contract, but i hate rbd . Thats the reality. I don’t like songs. I never saw the cost of this (in reference to the telenovela) ”, he indicated.
After his confession, Sergio Mayer Mori He received the support of his partner, Raquel Chávez, who did declare herself a fan of RBD . “I did see Rebelde, I went to a concert they did in Cancun, I loved it, but Sergio never saw it, he never liked it and it can be respected,” he commented.
Given this event, RBD fans have begun to request that Sergio Mayer Mori be removed from the Netflix production that will be launched next 2022.
Christopher Von Uckermann touches RBD fans with “Unreachable” live
In early May, Christopher Von Uckermann released a revamped version of “Unreachable,” which generated amazement and enthusiasm among RBD fans.
The singer posted the video on YouTube after the Las Estrellas channel withdrew this moment from the broadcast of the Be or Seem concert offered by the group in December 2020.
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