Siddharthnagar. In Siddharthnagar district, a person has accused the accountant of the Revenue Department of not paying money. Not only this, when the victim asks for his money back, the accountant abuses and threatens him. The victim has also filed a written complaint in this matter.
The whole matter is of Itwa police station area of Siddharthnagar district. Naseem Ahmed, a resident of Balua, has made this allegation on the accountant. Naseem Ahmed, a resident of Balua, has accused accountant Kamlesh Mishra of not paying the money after getting the tents installed. Actually, accountant Kamlesh Mishra had organized Shri Ram Katha in Ramlila Maidan Itwa; in which Naseem’s tent was installed.
The work of putting up the tent was fixed with the accountant for 1 lakh 5 thousand rupees, out of which the accountant had given 10 thousand and still 95 thousand rupees are pending. After which Naseem has accused the revenue department accountant Kamlesh Mishra of not giving the money.
Let us tell you that accountant Kamlesh Mishra is posted in Shohratgarh tehsil; he has been accused of not giving money and threatening. Victim Naseem Ahmed alleges that the accountant abuses and threatens him when he asks for money. Naseem Ahmed, a resident of Balua, has filed a written complaint to SHO Itwa and District Magistrate Siddharthnagar and demanded action.
(Report- Deep Yadav, Siddharth Nagar)