Siddharthnagar. In Siddharthnagar district, advocates and other people have made serious allegations against the peon and private clerks of the Tehsildar court. The District Magistrate has also been informed about this through a complaint letter.
The whole matter is of Dumriyaganj Bar Association; where advocate Bharat Bhushan and others have made a big allegation by complaining to the District Magistrate. The advocate alleges that the Tehsildar’s peon and clerks do not give the will file and keep it hidden.
The advocate has alleged that the peon and his clerks misbehaved with him. Not only this, he was also threatened with dire consequences. In the files, it has also been alleged that two thousand rupees were collected from him in the name of the statement of the testator and the marginal witness.
Private clerks sit and do the work of drafting court files and writing of case diaries. They do not do any work without money and also procrastinate in work for money. A video of private clerks doing government work in the Tehsildar court has also surfaced. The District Magistrate has been informed through a complaint letter.
(Report- Deep Yadav, Siddharth Nagar)