Lucknow. The entire state including the capital of UP is going to experience severe cold in the coming days. The health department has issued an alert regarding cold in Lucknow. All hospital superintendents (medical officers), chief medical officers and in-charge medical officers have been instructed to keep all the arrangements in order.
Instructions have been given to install warmers as per requirement in the wards and keep doors and windows closed. The health department has issued instructions to make all arrangements to prevent cold in hospitals. He has given instructions regarding everything from medicines to ward arrangements. Instructions have been given to continuously monitor electrical equipment and ICU.
Instructions have also been given to arrange night shelters for the attendants. The Principal Secretary has given instructions to make Ayushman Cards for elderly people above 70 years of age as soon as possible. It has also been said that it should be monitored. Guidelines have also been sent regarding making Ayushman card. The CMO said that many times during the winter season, an increase is seen in the number of patients suffering from mental illnesses like depression etc., therefore, proper arrangements should be made for referral of such patients to district level hospitals for consultation and necessary medicines.
Due to the effect of Western Disturbance moving towards North-West India, there are chances of light rain with drizzle in Terai and Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Along with this, cold will increase due to drop in day temperature by two degrees. Earlier on Saturday-Sunday, coolness was felt in the morning and evening air in most parts of the state. The heat of the sun also seemed to be missing.