Maharashtra. People’s anger erupted on Tuesday after a case of sexual abuse of two girls came to light in a school in Badlapur, Thane district of Maharashtra. The parents of the girls gathered in front of the school and vandalised and pelted stones there on Tuesday.
The common citizens also supported the parents against this heinous crime and in no time a large number of people gathered to support the parents. Everyone headed towards Badlapur railway station and after reaching there started protesting on the railway track. Due to this, the movement of local and long distance trains was disrupted for several hours.
Today (21 August) Maharashtra Police (Badlapur) has taken strict action in the case of protest and vandalism. FIR has been registered against 300 people who were protesting. Police has also arrested 40 people. The arrested people will be produced in court today.
At present, internet services have been shut down in Badlapur and orders have been given to keep shops closed. Railway Police GRP DCP Manoj Patil said that the situation is normal now. On Tuesday, the police also resorted to lathicharge to disperse the protesters gathered at Badlapur railway station in protest. Let us tell you that the court extended the police custody of the person accused of sexually abusing two school girls till August 26.