Mumbai Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao’s film ‘Stree 2’ is getting immense love from the audience. Let us tell you, the film has been breaking records continuously since the first day. Meanwhile, the box office collection of the fifth day has come out.
It is being told that ‘Stree 2’ has crossed the 200 crore mark on the day of Rakshabandhan i.e. on the fifth day of its release. According to the initial figures of the box office, ‘Stree 2’ has earned only 37 crores on the fifth day, which is considered less than four days. With this, the total collection of the movie has become 228.45 crores. After which the film crossed the 200 crore mark on the fifth day of its release, while if we talk about the worldwide collection of the film, then the film has crossed the 310 crore mark on just the fifth day.
The craze of ‘Stree 2’ is so much on people that, even before the release of the film, about 40 tickets were being sold every hour. Now even after the release, the craze of the film is being seen among the people. The speed at which the film is progressing, it seems that by the end of this week, the film will enter the club of 300 crores.