The prominent gastronomic reality show ‘The Great Chef: Celebrities’ announced its return for an eighth season, through the Latina channel. The announcement has generated great expectations among fans of the program. While some are looking forward to the new installment, others expressed their curiosity to know who the new participants will be.
Will ‘The Great Chef: Celebrities’ have a new season?
‘The Big Chef: Celebrities’ has been a resounding success since its first season, winning the hearts of viewers with its mix of culinary competition and entertainment. The program is about highlighting Peru’s rich culinary diversity, while giving celebrities the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in a competitive environment.
Season eight promises to be the most exciting yet, with a new lineup of chefs ready to battle it out in the kitchen. Although specific details about the contestants and format of the new season have yet to be revealed, producers have promised that there will be plenty of surprises.
This time, the show will take viewers to unexplored places in the kitchen. A culinary safari with lions and other wild animals? An underwater underwater adventure? Or perhaps a gastronomic journey in outer space? These are just some of the ideas that have arisen in the creative mind of José Peláez, the driver.
What did José Peláez say about the new season of ‘The Great Chef: Celebrities’?
‘The Great Chef: Celebrities’ has become a pillar of Latina programming. Through a promotional video, José Peláez expressed his enthusiasm for bringing a new edition to TV. After the edition of ‘The Restaurant’, the host assured that this time it will not be different and promised that he will surprise the audience.
“We are always thinking about what new things to offer to the public and this new season will not be the exception. After innovating with ‘The Restaurant’, we have more ideas and themes for this next edition, which will not only test the new participants, but also the palate of our jurors… What we can assure is that there will be no shortage of the three components that have always characterized the program: fun, celebrities who don’t know how to cook and obviously chaos in the kitchen,” Peláez commented.
News of the show’s return has been met with enthusiasm by fans, many of whom have taken to social media to express their excitement. “I can’t wait to see what the new season has in store!” wrote one fan on X.
The eighth season will premiere in Latina on a date to be confirmed.
José Peláez is the famous host of ‘The Great Celebrity Chef’. Photo: Latina
What is the prize awarded to the winner of ‘The Great Chef: Celebrities’?
Perhaps some followers of ‘The Great Chef: Celebrities’ are curious to know the prize that is awarded to the person who wins the cooking competition. Months ago, the jury Nelly Rossinelli herself spoke with La República in an interview and shed some light on the subject.
“An award as such is not yet confirmed by the production. What is there is the title as the great chef, which is already enough. In addition to all the learning throughout the weeks, they have had master classes, they have worked at side of wonderful chefs”, he explained on that occasion.