Mumbai Team India’s star all-rounder Hardik Pandya’s personal life is once again in the news. Hardik Pandya and his wife Serbian actor model Natasha Stankovic are divorced. Both had decided to separate on their own will. Natasha and Hardik Pandya had confirmed the news of their separation a month ago.
After separating from Natasha Stankovic, Hardik Pandya’s name is now being linked with a British singer. The name of this singer is Jasmine Walia. Actually, after taking a break from cricket, Hardik is currently vacationing in Greece. Recently, he has posted a video from there, in which he is seen standing in front of a swimming pool.
This video has once again fueled the news of Hardik’s dating because just two days before Hardik’s video, Jasmine also posted pictures of her holidays in Greece. In which she was seen standing in front of the same swimming pool where Hardik was standing. Not only this, Jasmine has also live streamed Hardik’s (Hardik Pandya Dating) video.
Although Hardik Pandya did not react to her bikini post, he has relived many posts before that. Seeing this, Hardik Pandya’s fans are also surprised and users are giving different reactions. Social media users also started commenting on this. Let us tell you that Hardik Pandya and his wife model Natasha Stankovic are both divorced. Both had decided to separate on their own will.