New Delhi. The way has been cleared for former Jharkhand Chief Minister and senior Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) leader Champai Soren to join the BJP. Champai Soren will join the BJP in Jharkhand’s capital Ranchi on August 30. Amid reports of displeasure with JMM and CM Hemant Soren, Champai Soren reached Delhi on Monday and met Union Home Minister Amit Shah late at night.
This meeting has also put an end to the speculations about his joining the BJP. Assam Chief Minister and Jharkhand State Election Co-in-charge Himanta Biswa Sarma, who played an important role in getting his party’s senior leader Champai Soren to join the BJP, gave a shock to Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren.
Himanta Biswa Sarma shared a photo of his meeting with Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Champai Soren on Instagram and wrote, “Former Chief Minister of Jharkhand and eminent tribal leader of the country Champai Soren ji met Hon’ble Union Home Minister Amit Shah ji a short while ago. He will officially join BJP in Ranchi on August 30.”
Champai Soren’s son Babulal Soren was also present during the meeting with Shah in Delhi. This has also confirmed that Babulal Soren will also join the BJP. There is also talk of him contesting the assembly elections on a BJP ticket. Champai Soren will return to Jharkhand from Delhi on Tuesday. It is being said that he will resign from JMM and Hemant Cabinet on Wednesday i.e. 28 August and will join the BJP on 30 August.