The conflictive history between Alex Brocca, a renowned Peruvian dancer, and Ernesto Pimentel, an emblematic figure of Peruvian television, intensified with a desperate request from Brocca. In June 1999, the artist was facing serious health problems and an imminent trial that could further deteriorate his condition. During a television interview, Brocca, his voice breaking, implored Pimentel to reconsider his decision to put him on trial and stressed the seriousness of his condition and his desire for peace and recovery.
The tension between both characters dates back to accusations made by Brocca in his book ‘Canto de dolor’, where he described Pimentel as a ‘television monster’. This statement caused Pimentel, known for his character Chola Chabuca, to take legal action against Brocca, alleging defamation. In his public appeal, Brocca expressed gratitude to the media for the opportunity to clear his name, asked Pimentel for leniency, and highlighted the social work he could do instead of continuing litigation.
YOU CAN SEE: Ernesto Pimentel would be affected after criticism by Alex Brocca, according to Marcela Luna: “He is a human being”
Alex Brocca asked Ernesto Pimentel not to sue him
In the clamor of the legal battle, Brocca’s physical and emotional deterioration was evident. The artist suffered from lymph node cancer and was HIV positive, situations that complicated his ability to handle the stress of a judicial process. “I’m so grateful… I already feel like I can die in peace. That is why I ask Mr. Pimentel to think carefully before suing me. Let him start helping people who really need it from his foundation,” Brocca stated in the June 4, 1999 interview.
Brocca He also questioned the need for lawyers in their confrontation and proposed a direct and personal trial with Pimentel. “Now I don’t need a lawyer for a trial, I can only defend myself. And if he wants to prosecute me, let him also go alone to defend himself and show me his face.”
YOU CAN SEE: Magaly Medina surprises by revealing what Alex Brocca showed her about Ernesto Pimentel before interviewing him
Ernesto Pimentel proceeded legally
Despite Brocca’s pleas and the public support he received, Pimentel did not relent. The judicial process progressed and culminated in an unfavorable sentence for Brocca. The 23rd Criminal Court sentenced the dancer to two years of suspended prison and to pay 10 thousand soles for damages.
What was Ernesto Pimentel’s response to Alex Brocca’s statements?
Ernesto Pimentel He initially chose not to comment on the criticism received after the release of his film ‘Chabuca’, where his ex-partner Alex Brocca was mentioned. However, on Saturday, April 20, on his program ‘El reventonazo de la Chola’, the television presenter finally spoke and defended himself. “I want to thank all of Peru who have accompanied us on this promotional tour. The film ‘Chabuca’ is based on Ernesto’s life, it is not necessarily a documentary. It is important to say that it is for those over 14 years old, but suitable for everyone who wants to have a good time and see with a little love how life goes on,” Pimentel said at the beginning.
“It is a story that has no good or bad, opening a wound is an opportunity to celebrate life saying that every minute is worth it, that every moment must be celebrated. We must all be the best person we can,” Ernesto added.