Congratulations! Mexican actress Altair Jarabo joined the list of married women this past weekend after getting married with Frèdèric Garcia. The artist, who has shone in the soap operas To the devil with the handsome, In the name of love and Abyss of passion, She said yes to her fiancé at an intimate civil ceremony in Paris, France.
Through her social networks, the interpreter announced that she had married by sharing a snapshot with her new husband. “Today at an intimate ceremony in the center of Paris, Frèdèric and I said to each other: OUI !!!”He wrote on his official Instagram account.
Post by Altair Jarabo Photo: Instagram
Also, the celebration of this wedding was at a banquet in a French castle, Château de Vallery, located an hour and a half from the French capital, according to Hola magazine.
Altair Jarabo’s wedding Photo: Instagram
As it is remembered, just a few months ago, Altair announced that she was engaged to the businessman, whom she met through a friend.
“There are times that you are in your life with someone who you see as a boyfriend’s face, there are times when you see him as a husband’s face and I saw Frédéric’s face as a husband and he thought the same of me, so we fit perfectly, he arrived in the perfect moment when I was ready for him ”, declared to the means ‘Who’.
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