Belinda, Tini Stoessel and Lola Indigo They are conducting interviews with various international media and it is all due to the recent launch of the theme “The school girl”.
In a recent conversation withOn the radio station Los 40, the Argentine singer pointed out that Belinda is already married.
“Yes, I’m single, I don’t know if the girls … Belinda is already married”, said the interpreter of “Lie to me.”
Given what was said by her partner, Belinda flatly denied it. “But stop, but Beli, I saw the ring”, Expressed Tini.
“My love, there is no wedding yet, it is still missing. The truth is that we still do not have any plan for anything, it has not been spoken yet, we are still just seeing ”, Nodal’s partner held. “It is another stage, we are yes with the commitment, but we have not yet talked about when the wedding will be,” he added.
As is known, through their social networks, the couple made up of Belinda and Christian Nodal shared their commitment with their followers. Through her Instagram account, the singer explained: “An image says more than a thousand words … The happiest woman in the world.”
Belinda, latest news:
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