Psychotherapist Tomás Angulo and Magaly Medina had a tense confrontation last Thursday, August 22, during a live show. The show host accused him of being a ‘sexist’, while the former TV panelist did not remain silent, responding strongly.
After this exchange of words in ‘Magaly TV, the firm’, The psychologist spoke out on his social networks and later did the same on the program ‘Chimi Churri’ on the Trivu TV channel. In the podcast, Angulo strongly asked the host to publicly apologize to him and also demanded that his production team not contact him again.
Tomas Angulo sends a strong message to Magaly Medina
In the recent edition of the digital program ‘Chimi Churri’, hosted by Katty Sheen, Tomás Angulo revealed more details of his confrontation with Magaly Medina According to the psychotherapist, the show host usually tends to lose her temper with her interviewees, so he demanded a public apology from her.
“I have decided two things. One, I publicly ask you to forgive me so that you yourself can feel that you can correct mistakes,” he said at the beginning. Thomas Angulo .
Tomás Angulo spoke about his confrontation with Magaly Medina. Photo: Capture YouTube
He also indicated that he felt hurt by the way things turned out on the show. Magaly Medina and reaffirmed that he did not deserve to be treated that way.
“I did not deserve to be treated that way, even if I think differently or even if I am a sexist. A sexist does not deserve to be treated that way either, in case you think I am. Being a sexist does not mistreat a person, because you are doing the same. You are saying, don’t be aggressive, by being aggressive. We do not educate to get out of aggression with aggression,” he said. Angle .
Tomás Angulo put an end to his friendship with Magaly Medina
Hours after his participation in ‘Magaly TV, la firme’, the psychotherapist Tomás Angulo announced that he has decided to end his friendship with Magaly Medina This decision was motivated by the fact that it is the second time they have had a live confrontation during the show.
In addition, Angulo expressed his feelings and confessed to an apparent mistreatment prior to his entrance to the ATV program. “This time they made me wait 40 minutes and usually, they don’t make me wait, so I started to doubt and think: ‘It’s strange that we’re not advertising.’ When I go in, Magaly greets me rudely and she is not like that with me. That’s when I asked why, before leaving, she said ‘Why does she invite me if she knows that I am against violence?’…”, she indicated.
“She should have respected my opinion, she should have treated me more politely because I was the guest… I have decided not to go again, Because the first time we fought I forgave him… I think ideas are discussed, but people should be kept safe… One thing is to humiliate a person and another thing is to judge them,” she said.
Magaly Medina sends a message after Tomas Angulo’s statement
How did the tense interview between Tomás Angulo and Magaly Medina develop?
Christian Cueva was accused by his wife, Pamela Lopez, of physical and psychological violence, alleging multiple assaults during their 13-year relationship. In response, Magaly Medina He invited psychologist Tomás Angulo to his program to analyze López’s behavior and understand why he endured violence for so long.
However, what started as a calm conversation between Medina and Angulo quickly turned into a heated argument. During the interview, Tomás Angulo stated that both Christian Cueva like Pamela López share responsibility for their toxic relationship, suggesting that both have been victims in that dynamic.
These statements provoked the annoyance of Magaly Medina who accused the psychotherapist of being “sexist” and of minimizing the violence that López has suffered.
Magaly Medina lashed out at Tomas Angulo during an interview. Photo: Magaly TV, the firm
Summary: Tomas Angulo confronts Magaly Medina
Tomás Angulo demanded a public apology from Magaly Medina after their confrontation on the program “Magaly TV, la firme.”
Angulo felt mistreated and criticized the way he was received on the show, which motivated his decision to end his friendship with Medina.
In a podcast, the psychotherapist asked Medina not to contact him again for future invitations.
Angulo said he did not deserve the treatment he received, regardless of his opinions.
He decided not to return to Medina’s program, stressing the importance of discussing ideas without humiliating people.