New Delhi. On the occasion of Independence Day, PM Modi hoisted the national flag from the ramparts of the historic Red Fort and addressed the nation. PM Modi shared his vision for the country on several issues including UCC. Tight security arrangements were made in Delhi in view of the Independence Day celebrations.
The special thing this time is that Indian players participating in Paris Olympics 2024 were also invited as guests on the occasion of Independence Day. PM Modi said that there should be a serious discussion in the country on UCC and everyone should bring their views. PM said that the laws which divide the country on the basis of religion and become the reason for discrimination, those laws can have no place in modern society. Now the country demands that there should be a Secular Civil Code (UCC) in the country.
In his speech from the Red Fort, PM Modi said that it is India’s dream to host the 2036 Olympics. The PM informed that the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) has already taken the first step towards hosting the Olympics in 2036 by starting the process of negotiation with the Future Host Commission (FHC) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
PM Modi said that we have to realize the dream of One Nation One Election. This will benefit the country. PM Modi said that the war against corruption will continue. Some people give false statements against me to stop it, but let me make it clear that no matter what happens, this war against corruption will continue. PM Modi said that now the country’s defense sector is also becoming self-reliant. Now we are not busy importing from other countries, now our country is making and exporting missiles itself.