Entertainment journalists John Tirado and Gianfranco Pérez, known for their controversial ampays on Magaly Medina’s show, ‘Magaly TV, the firm ‘, have decided to expand their reach with the launch of their own podcast, ‘Pure Floro’ In this new space, they talk about scandals and news from the Peruvian .. However, the beginning of this project was not free of fears and doubts, mainly about their future on television.
What did Magaly Medina’s ‘urracos’ say about her podcast?
In the first episode of his podcast, John Tirado and Gianfranco Perez They revealed how the idea of creating their channel came about Youtube and the concerns that accompanied them. “We thought about it because we said ‘what if the boss gets upset?'” Tirado said, reflecting the fear they both felt about the possible reaction of Magaly Medina.
On the other hand, Gianfranco Pérez backed his colleague and added: “I thought he was going to be fired,” while Tirado continued: “‘Magalyta’ really did a great job. We have to thank the boss because she had a very kind gesture, but we went with fear, afraid to tell her ‘Magaly, we’re going to do a podcast.'”
The journalists shared that, at first, they were afraid that their new project could cost them their jobs on the small screen. “Sometimes people are afraid of starting a project and that was also our case because we were going to start a project, but suddenly we were going to start the path of being former employees of ‘Magaly TV, la firme’,” said Tirado.
However, their experience turned out to be different and they received unconditional support from ‘La Urraca’. “We went into her office, we told her ‘Magaly, we want to inform you that we are going to do a podcast’ and she said ‘go for it guys’,” revealed the journalist, thanking Medina for her support and understanding.
Why did Magaly Medina disassociate herself from her ‘urracos’?
Despite initial support, Magaly Medina has decided to draw a clear line between her show and the content of her reporters’ podcast. In a recent statement, the ATV presenter explained: “You know that two reporters from my show, John Tirado and Gianfranco Pérez, have a podcast called ‘Puro Floro’. They cover entertainment news, I don’t know… from here I want to draw a distance from the content of the podcast, although it is true that they work on my team, they do this in their free time.”
Magaly stressed that the opinions and content of the podcast are the exclusive responsibility of Tirado and Pérez, and do not reflect or have the approval of them or their program. “It is their full responsibility for what they criticize, what they comment on and the information they show, it has nothing to do with my approval, it has nothing to do with me or my program… I want to make this disclaimer,” she clarified.
‘Urracos’ and their fear of telling Magaly Medina about her podcast
Launch of the podcast ‘Puro Floro’ : John Tirado and Gianfranco Pérez, journalists from ‘Magaly TV, la firme’, have created their own podcast, ‘Puro Floro’, where they talk about scandals and news from the Peruvian entertainment industry.
Initial fears about the project : Tirado and Pérez shared in the first episode of the podcast that they were afraid that their new project could cost them their jobs on television, fearing the possible reaction from Magaly Medina.
Magaly Medina’s reaction : Despite her fears, Magaly Medina supported their initiative, giving them her blessing for the podcast and being understanding and encouraging.
Magaly Medina’s Declaration of Independence : Medina decided to draw a clear line between his show and the content of the podcast ‘Puro Floro’, stating that the opinions and content of the podcast are the sole responsibility of Tirado and Pérez.
Sole responsibility for the content of the podcast Magaly emphasized that what is criticized, commented on or reported on ‘Puro Floro’ does not reflect or have her approval or that of her program ‘Magaly TV, la firme’, establishing a clarification of responsibilities.