During the broadcast of the morning show on September 24, Verónica Linares, a renowned journalist and news anchor, was involved in a tense moment live with Edson Davila known as ‘Giselo’. The incident occurred during a dynamic about the keys to a lasting relationship, in which his newscast partner, Federico Salazar, also participated.
The journalist She directly confronted her partner by saying: “Your opinion is sexist,” which surprised the others present on the set. At that moment, they were discussing the keys to maintaining a long-lasting relationship, and everyone had shared their opinions on the subject when the comment that generated Verónica’s reaction came up.
Verónica Linares to Edson Dávila: “Your opinion is sexist”
During the morning show hosted by Brunella Horna, Janeth Barboza, Ethel Pozo and Edson Dávila, there was a tense moment when Verónica Linares, a guest with her partner Federico Salazar, reacted to a comment from ‘Giselo’. During a dynamic in which the keys to a lasting relationship were being debated, Dávila insinuated that the journalist was copying Salazar’s answers, since both agreed on their opinions. “Just a moment, silence everyone. Verónica, I see that you are copying Federico’s answers,” said the co-host.
Edson Dávila’s observation provoked laughter from Verónica, who quickly confronted him saying: “Your opinion is sexist.” The journalist questioned why he assumed that she copied Salazar and not the other way around. ‘Giselo’s’ response was due to the fact that ‘La Linares’ had raised her response paddle late, but the comment had already generated a live debate, where Linares defended his position.
Federico could only laugh at the situation. Photo: América TV
What happened to Veronica Linares and Edson Dávila?
‘Giselo’s’ comment came in the context of a dynamic in which the guests, Verónica Linares and Federico Salazar, had to answer whether they agreed that “for a relationship to work, it is important to get along with your in-laws.” Both Salazar and Linares agreed in their answer, but Dávila took the opportunity to insinuate that Linares was copying from his partner.
This led the news anchor to feel alluded to and to reply in a joking tone, but with a clear message: “So, do you think I copy him? Why doesn’t he copy me?” This response not only caused laughter among those present, but also showed Linares’ discomfort with a comment that he considered sexist. Despite the initial tension, the exchange between the two remained light-hearted, and the program continued without further incident.
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