New Delhi. Union Minority Affairs and Law Minister Kiren Rijiju on Thursday introduced the Waqf Amendment Bill, 2024 in the Lok Sabha. Rijiju introduced the bill amid huge uproar in the Lok Sabha. At the same time, after the government introduced the bill, the main opposition party Congress said that this bill is an attack on rights.
After the Waqf Amendment Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha, the Congress has questioned whether any non-Hindu member can be there in the Ayodhya temple. The party has opposed the inclusion of non-Muslims in the Governing Council. Congress also said that this bill is against the basic spirit of the Constitution. Apart from the Congress, the Samajwadi Party and AIMIM have also opposed the bill.
On the Waqf Amendment Bill, Union Minister Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lallan Singh said that the Waqf Amendment Bill is not anti-Muslim. There is no division on the basis of religion. A law is necessary against an autocratic institution. There is no interference with the mosque in the bill. Transparency is necessary in the Waqf Board. NCP (Sharad faction) MP Supriya Sule has opposed the Waqf Amendment Bill. Sule said that the bill was introduced without discussion. What has happened that you had to bring this bill. The Waqf Amendment Bill should be withdrawn.
After the Waqf Amendment Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi launched a major attack on the Modi government. He said that the Waqf Bill was brought without any discussion. Attempts are being made to grab the lands of mosques and dargahs. Attempts are being made to snatch the property of Muslims. However, before this, the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, called a meeting of Congress MPs in which many topics were discussed along with the Waqf Bill.