Nicola Porcella returned to Peru after leaving the Mexican program ‘Hoy’ and decided to meet with friends to celebrate the Christmas season. The meeting took place in Rafael Cardozo’s apartment, located in a well-known residential area. Along with them, there were also present Jazmin Pinedo and the Zupe Fox . The celebration was held to commemorate the end of the popular program ‘This is war’.
The party, which lasted until the early hours of the morning, did not go unnoticed by the neighbors. Through the stories of ‘Instarándula’, a photograph of the meeting was leaked, showing the attendees in full revelry. Neighbors, disturbed by the noise, began to complain, especially due to the shouting and gossip that was being revealed, including details about kisses between Nicola Porcella and Wendy Guevara .
Neighbors complain about Nicola Porcella and Rafael Cardozo’s party
The meeting included well-known figures from Peruvian entertainment, who took advantage of the occasion to catch up and share anecdotes. Nicola Porcella after his return from Mexico, was happy to reunite with his former colleagues from ‘This is war’. Rafael Cardozo, For his part, he opened the doors of his home for this celebration, which will undoubtedly be remembered by those present and the neighbors.
Despite the good atmosphere at the party, the annoyance of the neighbors was evident. Residents of the building not only complained about the noise, but also because the attendees’ gossip and intimate details were being discussed loudly, causing everyone to find out about the celebrities’ personal aspects.
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