Mumbai Maharashtra BJP MLA Nitesh Rane has given a very provocative speech. Now two FIRs have been registered against him in this case. Ahmednagar police has given this information. The first case has been registered in Shrirampur and the second case in Topkhana. Nitesh Rane’s statement is becoming very viral on the internet media.
Let us tell you that (BJP) MLA Nitesh Rane participated in the program of Sakal Hindu Samaj in Ahmednagar on Sunday. During this, he gave a very provocative speech. Here he (Nitesh Rane) said, “If you speak against our Ramgiri Maharaj… otherwise they will say that I spoke in Marathi, so I am threatening you in the language you understand. If you do anything against our Ramgiri Maharaj, we will come inside your mosques and beat you up one by one. Keep this in mind.”
Let us tell you that in the meantime (BJP) MLA Nitesh Rane also used some abusive words. Religious leader Ramgiri Maharaj is accused of making alleged derogatory remarks on Prophet Mohammad and Islam. Cases have been registered against him at many places in Maharashtra. This is where the whole controversy started. Many Muslim organizations protested in different parts of the country and demanded the arrest of Ramgiri.
A program was held in support of Ramgiri Maharaj on Sunday. In this program, (BJP) MLA Nitesh Rane gave an inflammatory speech. According to the police, Ramgiri Maharaj had allegedly made derogatory remarks during a religious program in Shah Panchale village of Nashik district. Later, the video of the program also went viral.