Pamela López, still the wife of soccer player Christian Cueva, has generated a stir on social networks by publishing a photo in a recording studio with the singers Marisol and Leslie Shaw. The image, which shows the three women with microphones and headphones, has sparked speculation about López’s possible debut in cumbia.
In the Instagram story of Marisol, also known as the ‘Pharaona de la cumbia’, you can read: “And because you asked for it with a third collaboration.” This publication has led followers to think that Pamela López could be participating in a new musical project, perhaps even challenging Pamela Franco, Cueva’s current partner, in the world of cumbia.
Will Pamela López compete with Pamela Franco and Christian Cueva?
The photograph he shared Marisol has not only generated rumors, but has also been shared by Pamela Lopez in their WhatsApp stories, which has increased expectations among their followers. According to a reporter from ‘América hoy’, “This photo that Marisol posted is the same one that Pamela López published in her WhatsApp stories, so we don’t have to be fortune tellers to know that Pamelita would either be the protagonist of the video clip or would participate singing the song. ”.
The relationship between Marisol and Pamela Lopez It is not new, since the ‘Pharaona’ has been a close friend of the couple made up of López and Cueva. After the breakup, Marisol seems to have taken Pamela’s side, supporting her in her possible foray into music. This collaboration could be a direct response to Christian Cueva’s recent musical debut with Pamela Franco.
Pamela López publishes a photo wearing a cumbia costume
Pamela Lopez has further increased speculation by posting a photo in a bright outfit on her Instagram account, disabling comments on the post. Many believe that this could be the costume she will wear in her collaboration with Leslie Shaw and Marisol. “I can’t tell you, but you don’t know what’s coming on the 31st of this month. On the 31st we launched our new video. It’s a feat, but you don’t know who is going to be in that feat,” Marisol commented to ‘América hoy’. This statement has left fans eager to know more details about the collaboration.
Pamela López publishes photo with mysterious costume. Photo: Instagram
López, for his part, has maintained suspense, preferring not to reveal whether it will be an appearance in a video clip or his debut as a singer. However, her recent participation in video clips such as ‘El amor de su vida’ by Orquesta Candela and ‘I’m going to ask you on your knees’ by the Caballito y su flavor orchestra by Labana, suggests that she would be more than prepared to take this step.
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