Donnie Yaipén and Yanira Higginson were captured by Magaly Medina’s cameras. Yanira stated that she did not know that he was in a relationship and was surprised to see the images on national television. Furthermore, he mentioned that Donnie is not the only one from the artistic world who contacts her; Some footballers also send him messages and he even occasionally chats with ‘Richavo’.
What did Yanira Higginson say about Ricardo Mendoza?
On April 19, Magaly Medina had Yanira Higginson on her set, the 21-year-old lady who was seen in a hotel in Lince with Donnie Yaipén. After the artist offered her defense through her Instagram account, Higginson testified before the audience of the popular ‘Magpie’ and detailed her closeness to him. Donnie Yaipén.
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However, he not only mentioned the former member of Hermanos Yaipén; another character also came to light. This is the comedian from ‘Hablando huevadas’, Ricardo Mendozawith whom Yanira said she spoke as friends. “What did ‘Richavo’ say to you? What did he tell you?” asks Magaly. “We talk like friends. He tells me ‘hello, how are you?’the interviewee responded. Finally Higginson assured to continue in communication with him: “(We talk) from time to time.”
Did Donnie Yaipén accuse Yanira Higginson of planting him?
Donnie Yaipén He published a new video on his social networks to clarify his relationship status after the cameras of ‘Magaly TV, la firma’ captured him in a compromising situation.
“Unfortunately, I met a certain person who, well, didn’t know what he was capable of.I did not know of his intentions to harm many people, but I want it to be clear that there is no infidelitybecause I was already separated from Stefani,” added the musician and implied that Yanira Higginson planted it.
YOU CAN SEE:Donnie Yaipén accuses the young man of planting it in ampay: “I didn’t know his intentions”
Yaipén stressed that he is currently focused on recovering his family, and reaffirms that he was never unfaithful to the mother of his children. “Now I have your support, your backing. She told a journalist from this programconfirming that we were already separated some time ago, therefore, I want to clarify so that it does not continue to be misunderstood. God willing, at some point, I could get my family back, we don’t know, But, in the meantime, we will continue to be great friends with Stefani, and taking care of our son, because that is our main reason,” he concluded.
How was Donnie Yaipén and Yanira Higginson’s ampay?
Magaly Medina’s program captured images of Donnie Yaipén iEntering a hotel in Lince accompanied by an unidentified young woman, after a session on TV Perú. Curiously, the singer was driving a truck registered in the name of his wife, Stefani Quijano.
Yanira Higginson, 21, was seen entering the same hotel shortly after Donnie arrived. After spending about an hour and a half inside, Donnie came out, repositioned his wife’s vehicle, and waited for Yanira outside. Then, both moved to the San Miguel district, where he left the young woman near a shopping center.
Later, Yanira tried to take a taxi without success and returned to Donnie’s vehicle, who took her a little further away until she managed to get a ride and left the place. This episode has caused a great stir and controversy.