Fire! ‘America today’ finally made public the audio in which the magazine reporter Verónica Rondón spoke for 10 minutes with Yiddá Eslava. The ‘Yes, my love’ actress repeatedly insulted the press woman and went against her work, the work of the program’s production, and even her ex-partner Julián Zucchi.
What did Yiddá Eslava say in the call with the ‘America today’ reporter?
‘America today’ presented the audio in two parts. In the first, a furious Yiddá Eslava complained to her why she revealed the recording in which she spoke about the negotiation she was having with Julián Zucchi over the real estate they have in common. According to the producer, she had not made public the issue of the properties they have in common and she called the production of Gisela Valcárcel’s program irresponsible.
“Veronica, how the f*** did they do that. In other words, I talk to you and you filter my audios. Is seriously? You don’t understand what they just did. (…) What level of responsibility do you have?“, he said. “But Yidda…”, the reporter responded.
Yidda continued: “I never gave you a statement to expose this conversation. Never. Never of the nevers. I spoke to you privately. (…) No, I am the one who tells you that you are irresponsible.”
At another time, Slavic He pointed out that, as a result of the dissemination of the audio, Yiddá had lost several jobs in theater that were serving as financial support for the support of his minor children. Reporter Verónica Rondón responded to Yiddá that Julián Zucchi had given them some information. The businesswoman insisted that the conversation they had should not have come to light because she did not have her consent.
“You’re not going to decide what I’m going to talk about and what I’m not going to talk about, okay? Neither you, nor your f***ing production.You understand? I have never come out to talk about assets. I realize that you are a clear double journalist,” said Yiddá. The reporter replied: “But Julián also gave us some information, Yiddá.”
Yiddá Eslava had already spoken about the situation
Through his official Instagram profile, Yidda He mentioned that he called Verónica Rondón angry because she had made the audio of the negotiation public without her consent.
“This ‘friend’ person knew because I told him, that I was worried, that I no longer wanted to testify, that this should remain here, and at all times I told him: ‘Don’t take this out, don’t publish it, please’”, trusting, since I had not previously done so”, were the words of Yidda.
And he continued: “Clearly, I called her and spoke to her, super angry and hurt, indignant, you know exactly why.”
Yiddá gave his defense in the early hours of this Thursday. Photo: Instagram capture/Slavic Yiddá