Alejandro Benites, better known as Zumba, revealed his life story and surprised everyone by detailing that he worked in India. The remembered fighter said in an interview that he had to figure out how to get ahead, because his family had few resources, he went in search of an opportunity and found it. The phrase ‘He who perseveres, achieves‘, something that the content creator, with more than 1 million followers on TikTok, applies in his daily life.
Currently, Zumbais very popular on social media for a curious trend called the ‘Zumbaverse’, which tries to explain its appearance in different places or situations in an inexplicable way. Recently, the tiktoker revealed that he recorded with the Bollywood star Aishwarya Raiwinner of Miss World 1994.
Zumba reveals that she filmed with Aishwarya Rai and worked in India
Through the interview with Unfold Club in YoutubeZumba said that from a very young age he was attracted to the stage and that recording a video clip with the well-known actress Aishwarya Rai It wasn’t that easy. She left home in pursuit of her dream, but at first things didn’t go well for her. ‘I’m going to look for an opportunity in television, I’m going to save up my money to study a career, acting or dancing.
“I went to Bolivia with 700 soles in my pocket. I went to the casting, they didn’t accept me, I slept on the street, a priest helped me. I went to Chile, I got to Arica and stayed for a year picking tomatoes on a farm. I made the decisions, I said ‘if I fall, I fall and I get up as if nothing happened’. I arrived in Lima and there was a casting for Bollywood, international, the recording was going to be Macchu Picchuwhich will be all of Latin America, Cubans, Venezuelans, Brazilians, everyone, it was the entire dance cast from Latin America, from India, the producers, there were a lot of people.
In this way, the influencer was hired and when he started working with them he became friends with the producers and those in charge of the film. EnthiranHe became friends with the producer, without knowing his language or English. “I was the only Latino who sat with them and ate with his hand, listening to the burps of the others (In India, it is a gesture of appreciation for food). One day they told me ‘Zumba, my brother has his program, I would like you to work with us,” he said.
The Peruvian, born in Breña, accepted the opportunity and worked in India for a year. He learned the language and it was a very important experience for him. “Incredible, the industry is incredible, they are 10 light years ahead, in production it is the first in making films,” he said. BollywoodRegarding the possible culture shock, the content creator assured that it was not so much because he went through very difficult times, such as his stay in Bolivia, which made him value opportunities more.
What does Zumba think about the ‘Zumbaverse’?
When asked about the viral trend of ‘Zumbaverse‘, the ex-combatant said that it is a reflection of all the work and ‘jobs’ that he did throughout his life. He advises to always be polite with the people that cross our paths in life because one never knows who or when they will extend a helping hand to you.
“I see an opportunity in everything. When you have a need, the need makes you more thoughtful. I am the typical Peruvian who fights for what he wants. The first ‘haters’ will be your family. Listen to your heart, to what you want to do, and that way you will be able to excel,” he advised.